
200lb Weight Loss Transformation

I met Cheryl Edwards from NZ when we volunteered together at a conference over the weekend.

Cheryl Edwards Weight Loss Transformation

Cheryl Edwards Weight Loss Transformation

Cheryl is an absolute hero after releasing 91kgs/ 200 pounds! That’s more than I weigh! Now.. Just stop and think about what that would take, habitually, physically & mentally… That’s EPIC Weight Loss!

Im thrilled to share a snapshot of her journey in her own words….:

“As I reflect on the past 24 months looking at my journey and remembering all the struggles and pain and what I thought was happiness. 3 weeks ago when I sat down and looked back at many photos of before and during my journey, they really show how I was feeling at that time. I’ve always been this happy, fun, loving lady who thrives on family and love from others but when I look back I was struggling and constantly battling pain and unhappiness inside myself but not showing it on the outside. As I reflect on the amazing week at Celebration learning what happiness really is and doing it all without pain is my new life…my new me…leading the way for each and everyone especially those that think they are beyond HOPE or can’t live a DREAM…ANYTHING is POSSIBLE and ONLY YOU can make it happen!! 💚💚 Love to each and everyone! #‎motivationtosuccess‬

If that is not going to motivate anyone looking for a weight loss change, nothing will. Huge respect for you Cheryl. X

#‎dedicated‬ ‪#‎change‬ ‪#‎cando‬ #weightloss

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