
How to avoid procrastination, make decisions and get things done

Do you struggle with procrastination?

I just found this post on Hack the Entrepreneur called HOW TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS: STOP TRYING TO LEARN EVERYTHING

The quote that leapt out at me is: “Procrasti-learning is real, and it can destroy you.” I’ve been guilty of this many times and am working to keep myself accountable and productive.

The problem is, there is always more to learn, and it’s so easy to get stuck in a cycle of learning and not actually do anything.

One of the ways around the problem is to: “limit yourself to a few options, do your due diligence, and choose. Give yourself deadlines for each step of the process.” I like this concept as it narrows the focus and gets you to a decision much sooner.

What other ways have you found to avoid procrastination?

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